the dome of light
the dome of light

Thedometellsthestoryofhumanlifeinfourchronologicallyarrangedthemes:Water:TheWombofLife;Earth:ProsperityandGrowth;Light:TheCreative ...,2017年5月6日—TheDomeofLightwasdesignedbyItalianartistNarcissusQuagliata(knowninTaiwanas水仙大師)andisa30meterin...

Dome of Light

The“DomeofLight”,wascompletedbytheItalianartistNarcissusQuagliataover4andahalfyears.Madeofglass,coloredpaintandlights,itrepresentsthe ...

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Dome of Light > Kaohsiung City > Tourism Administration ...

The dome tells the story of human life in four chronologically arranged themes: Water: The Womb of Life; Earth: Prosperity and Growth; Light: The Creative ...

Dome of Light (光之穹頂)

2017年5月6日 — The Dome of Light was designed by Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata (known in Taiwan as 水仙大師) and is a 30 meter in diameter piece of ...

Dome of Light

2023年8月20日 — The Dome of Light, an embodiment of artistic and spiritual fusion, graces the landscape at a distance of around 2.4 kilometers from Silks Club.

Dome of Light

The “Dome of Light”, was completed by the Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata over 4 and a half years. Made of glass, colored paint and lights, it represents the ...

Formosa Boulevard Station Dome of Light 美麗島站光之穹頂

2023年8月9日 — The Dome of Light was designed by Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata, and is made of over 4,000 glass pieces.

The Dome of Light

This is a beautiful art installation at Formosa Boulevard Station. It is worth a special trip just to take pictures and enjoy the atmosphere.

The Story Behind Formosa Boulevards Dome Of Light

2020年2月14日 — The Dome of Light at Formosa Boulevard Kaohsiung has a creation story spanning six years and three continents.


Thedometellsthestoryofhumanlifeinfourchronologicallyarrangedthemes:Water:TheWombofLife;Earth:ProsperityandGrowth;Light:TheCreative ...,2017年5月6日—TheDomeofLightwasdesignedbyItalianartistNarcissusQuagliata(knowninTaiwanas水仙大師)andisa30meterindiameterpieceof ...,2023年8月20日—TheDomeofLight,anembodimentofartisticandspiritualfusion,gracesthelandscapeatadistanceofaround2.4kilometersfromSilksC...